Do you feel that you've tried everything as a parent yet you still find yourself overwhelmed, sleep deprived and constantly battling feelings of shame and powerlessness?


You're not alone. Parenting is the toughest job in the world, and one that you can’t just leave! 


Everyone wants to be a kind and supportive parent, but when you find yourself exhausted, crabby and overwhelmed it’s really difficult to stay calm! The trouble with parenting, is that you then feel guilty, and afraid that you’re messing up your kids.


Everyone tells you that self-care is important, but your brain tells you that it’s selfish or taking away time with your children, and it’s the first thing to vanish when family life gets busy.


Parenting is also about navigating the complex relationships around you. Everyone has an opinion on how you should parent, and you may find your own parents’ gremlins coming up to the surface!


What if you could cultivate a best friend in your mind, helping you through every challenging day?


What if you could support yourself through difficult emotions, exhaustion, and teach your child some amazing life skills at the same time?

Purchase The Compassionate Self-Care for Parents & Carers Course


'I've tried everything - how will learning about self-compassion help me? I  don't have time for this."


When I first came across self-compassion, I didn’t think it was an option for me as a parent of small children. But I was wrong. But what if, through mastering some simple skills, you can transform your relationship with yourself? Instead of self-care feeling like an additional burden, it becomes part of who you are, and how you handle yourself in difficult situations?

How different would your life be if you had the skills to manage your energy, direct your thinking to support your every step, and had a toolbox of trusted strategies to use throughout your day?

I’m very realistic – you don’t have any spare time – but what if these skills don’t take ANY extra time? I will show you how to weave these skills into your day, so they are as easy as breathing.

On a personal level, I know that trying to parent whilst also working is a huge juggling act!


How can you support others when you’re exhausted and distracted? Even if you’re a full-time parent (which has its own challenges of isolation and increased expectations) it’s hard to manage everything you’re feeling inside.

When I first came across the skills of self-compassion, I was very resistant! I just didn’t believe it was possible for me, as a working Mum.

But by understanding and overcoming my resistance, I discovered so many skills that I wish I had been taught much earlier in my life.

Compassion training has helped me immeasurably as a parent – from dealing with toddler tantrums and sleep deprivation, to navigating the terrifying teenage years and learning to let my kids grow into adults.

I passionately believe that these skills are essential for parents everywhere. They are simple but extremely powerful skills, and once you begin to implement compassion training, your relationship with yourself and others will transform.



Compassionate Self-Care for Parents & Carers


A self-paced programme that introduces the key concepts of compassionate self-care, guide you through simple practices, and open the door to understanding how your mind works and how you can support your mind to thrive.

Purchase Today For £99


There are four sections to the programme:


Learning what compassion really is, and how to cultivate compassion

What gets in the way

Understanding your natural resistance to self-compassion, and overcoming those obstacles

Cultivating Skills

Building the “awareness” component of compassion and adding resources to your toolbox.

Going Deeper

Learning how to deal with challenging emotions, and build more joy and depth into your life.

I will help you to unpack all your resistance, the way your brain tries to sabotage you, and the key insights that will help you thrive.


These skills are high-performance habits – they will help you better deal with difficulty, have stronger relationships, support your mental health, and help you to develop new ways to motivate yourself and help you to develop new ways to manage yourself and your children.

I’ve designed it specifically for you, as a busy parent, because I know you have no free time! Each section is just a few minutes long, so that you can build the skills gradually, fitting in lessons whenever you can. All it takes is a little commitment to try each step, practice a little, and keep coming back to the skills until they become easy and natural.

And I know that these skills will transform your life, as they did mine.

By the end of this course you'll...


  • Understand what’s going on in your brain when you’re under stress
  • Have developed a toolbox of strategies that specifically work for you. 
  • Have changed your relationship with your inner critic.
  • Be able to spot when difficult emotions are coming up, so that you can support yourself, rather than losing your cool!